Sunday, October 4, 2009

Yesterday I went to a women's church conference with a friend. While sitting and listening to a speaker tell of things going on in their denomination, my mind wandered, and I wrote a poem. I find that sitting in church is often a fertile field for writing ideas. Why is that? Perhaps it's because the atmosphere is quiet, you are using your imagination (to "see" what the speaker is portraying), and the channels are open.

I've gotten some pretty good plot ideas, character flaws or strengths, from just sitting in the pew and letting my mind wander. I used to wonder if that was sacreligious, but I got over feeling guilty. I still hear what is said, and get the added bonus of letting my creative mind tell me some things I might not be still enough to hear otherwise.

Besides, I tell myself that since God is the utlimate creator, that He is happy to see me using a gift he has given me, just as any parent is when her child delights in the gift he or she was given. Of course, we want them to pay attention when we're speaking to them. . . and I do, especially when I pray. There's another subject for thought: Getting quiet and focused in prayer also is productive in many, many ways.

Sitting in the pew is good for ideas. If you're writing them down, the preacher may be flattered to think you're trying to save his excellent points, so you're doing him a favor. Sort of.

Maybe going to church is a good remedy for writer's block!

1 comment:

  1. Church is a great place to write and plan lessons - especially Bible lessons! I have to admit, I'm usually listening quickly to our pastor because he speaks quickly - you have to follow right along or you'll lose him. It's a pace I like and I learn so much.
    Your second topic, that of listening when God speaks, particularly in prayer, is much more challenging. I can listen when I read God's Word, and I have the highest regard for His Word. Learning to hear His voice in prayer is more difficult.
