Friday, October 16, 2009

Things that make me smile

The other day I was walking outside in the sunshine,in one of my favorite shirts. I stopped, closed my eyes, and remembered the day I bought it. In Paris. Yes, France! I bought that shirt at a little shop across the street from the Notre Dame Cathedral. The shirt has a colorful sparkly facsimile of one of the rose-type windows.

I continued walking slowly, a smile on my face, remembering. I was in Paris! I actually was there! It was wonderful. Just thinking about the lovely city, with ME in it, made me smile.

I thought of other things that make me smile, just to remember. Sometimes I'll come across a bunch of movie DVDs. Once I was going through some on the library shelf, and came across Ferris Bueller's Day Off. That made me smile. So does Singin' In The Rain. Makes me smile every time I think about it.

Sometimes I think of something outrageous or extraordinarily cute one of my children did, and that makes me smile. Sometimes the thought of a friend makes me smile. Thinking of the swell folks in my Monmouth class makes me smile. They are all so cute. Groucho Marx makes me smile. Remembering some of Carol Burnett's routines make me smile. Driving my Corvette made me smile. It was a fun car to drive.

I have a lot of happy things in my life to ponder that make me smile. Thinking of all the benefits of being a Christian makes me happy enough to smile too.

I must remember to think of these things when things seem to be going wrong. Maybe I'll just put on that Paris shirt. That always works.


  1. What a great memory. Good to find your blog. Hey, my novel, Colombian Kilo, is finally available. Bless you.

  2. Published by Robin's company? I want to reade it! Where do I get one?

  3. Oops, lost a coupla days there. You can get the book through Amazon for a whopping $29 OR for slightly less you can send me $19 and I'll get it for you.

  4. 6223 Almond Valley Way
    Quartz Hill, CA 93536
